2023 Events
Hawaii Fiction Writers, we are back!
Our host, the beautiful Aina Haina Library, has reopened after renovations and Covid restrictions.
Invite a friend. Save the dates. Writers workshops on first Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to noon, beginning April 1, in the Aina Haina meeting room.
TBA: Readings and book signings for Kissing Frogs and Other Quirky Fairy Tales, at Aina Haina Library and Kapolei Library. All royalties will go to Friends of the Library at these two host libraries.
*Saturday, April 1 (10 a.m. to noon) - Aina Haina Library - Writers Workshop: "Another Opening, Another Fairy Tale." A look at the openings of traditional fairy tales. It's not always "Once upon a time." Fairy tales are often read aloud, in one sitting, so they are not long, they have to establish character and setting in the opening paragraph or two, and get on with the plot. How does your variation on a traditional fairy tale begin? Read and share.
*Saturday, June 3 (10 a.m. to noon) - Aina Haina Library - Writers Workshop: "Drabble Contest!" Hawaii Fiction Writers will be reading their writer's block drabbles (exactly 100 words about writer's block). Bring your drabbles, or if you can't make the meeting you can send your drabble to mlittlehi@gmail.com. For inspiration, here's a writer being advised to "write about dogs."
More future 2023 writers workshop dates reserved for Aina Haina Library (first Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon):
June 3
July 1
August 5
September 2
June 3
July 1
August 5
September 2
October 7
November 4